Rebecca & Todd Tolson
Todd began attending CSU in 1988 when he was 18. He was awarded a swimming scholarship, so he planned to study and swim. However, he never thought that he would find the love of his life shortly after he started on the pool deck of Busbey Natatorium.
In addition to school and training, Tom also had a lifeguarding job at the pool. This is where he met Becky. Becky and Tom quickly found that they had many shared interests, and time at the pool always passed by quickly when they worked together.
They started “officially” dating in late December of 1988. Becky graduated in 1991 with a degree in Education and moved to Akron for her first job. While they could no longer could see each other every day, Becky and Todd still talked daily.
“We had started talking about marriage, but we always said it would have to wait until after I finished school. So on the day I took my last exam in 1992, I drove to Akron and proposed,” Todd said.
The couple tied the knot on April 3, 1993, with many of their CSU teammates by their side.
“We are nearing our 23rd anniversary, and we are more in love today then ever before. Also, we do have 2 children, Robert (21) and Sarah (18). Robert is our next generation Viking swimmer, as he is a Junior at CSU and also on a swimming scholarship. We’ve already warned him to watch out, he too may have a Viking Vow story to tell one day,” Todd said.
Alice & Dezso
Alice would hide at the bottom of the Fenn Tower staircase, hoping to bump into him.
Edward & Linda
Ed and Linda hung out in Stilwell Hall cafeteria, sharing PB & J sandwiches.
Randy & Mary Lou
Their romance began when Mary Lou joined Randy’s intramural volleyball team.