Jessica & Chris Moore
Jessica met Chris in 2009 at the Wolstein Center.
He was a basketball player and she was a cheerleader for the Vikings.
They met in the training room where they began joking around with each other. A few weeks later, Chris asked her to attend his away game at Butler. After the game, he ended up driving all the way back to Cleveland with her.
They talked the entire drive and began hanging out on campus the rest of his senior year, which included lots of late nights at Viking Hall with Rascal House pizza.
“Those sparks that began at CSU have stayed with us all these years and, nine years later, we are married with a child,” Jessica said.
Amanda & Aric
Aric was on the wrestling team and Amanda on the volleyball team at CSU.
Mitch & Jamie
Mitch and Jamie bonded while nursing sports injuries.