Jenny & Cody Miller

Jenny and Cody were dorm neighbors during their junior year. Like most relationships, it started as just a crush. She called him “Spikes” because of his perfectly gelled hair, and he had been eyeing the redhead for a while as well at his front desk job in the dorms.

Cody and Jenny were both in the Honors College and continually ran into each other studying late nights in the lounge. It took Cody a few months to muster up the courage to introduce himself.

With the help of his crew, he came over only to ask to borrow a bottle of laundry detergent. Jenny giggled to her roommates for minutes in front of the peephole trying to figure out what to wear before opening the door. That evening, she slipped a brave note under his door that said, “Stop over for games!” Many rounds of card games later, in combination with Cody’s homemade Italian pizza, Jenny was finding herself head over heels for the dapper young man.

Their playful relationship progressed with epic prank wars. They ranged from Jenny using her nursing school supplies to inject hot sauce into his grapes, to sprinkling Kool Aid in his shower head, and finally, squirting ketchup on feminine products to fully disgust the boys. With this final prank, the boys retaliated with a flour-covered dorm room spelling out, “We Win”. (Jenny and her roommates were left with a hefty dorm room fine, thanks to this.)

They both shared Cleveland pride, frequently jogging throughout the city and kayaking on Lake Erie (a tandem kayak was their first purchase!) They continued to live downtown for 7 more years until the day he would propose and lead to their marriage on June 30, 2018 in downtown Cleveland.

“We are proud to be honors alumni and to have met on campus as Honors College Students! Go Vikes!” she said.


Alice & Dezso

Alice would hide at the bottom of the Fenn Tower staircase, hoping to bump into him.

Edward & Linda

Ed and Linda hung out in Stilwell Hall cafeteria, sharing PB & J sandwiches.

Randy & Mary Lou

Their romance began when Mary Lou joined Randy’s intramural volleyball team.