becky & chris dolezal
When Becky (BA ’11) moved in early for the Honors College move-in as freshman, Chris (BS ’13) was the first new friend she met.
He was in the room across the hall and knocked on Becky’s door, inviting her and her roommate to come watch a movie since there weren’t many people on campus yet. She and her roommate decided to head over and had a great time meeting some new people on their floor. Becky remembers looking at Chris and thinking “I’m going to marry him.”
“I honestly don’t know what made me think that, but I just had a feeling,” she said.
Months went by and while the two had some interactions, they mostly just waved to one another in the hallway or elevator. Toward the end of the fall semester, their groups of friends started to merge and Becky and Chris spent more and more time together. They spent a lot of time with one another exploring the city and the Metroparks. After quickly realizing that they had a spark, Chris asked her to be his girlfriend.
They spent the next few years supporting each other as they completed their degrees. In 2013, Chris graduated, the couple bought a house and he proposed, all within a month!
Becky and Chris married in November of 2014 and are now parents to a 4-year-old daughter and almost 2-year-old son. They love taking them back to Cleveland to share the city that brought them together.
Randy & Mary Lou
Their romance began when Mary Lou joined Randy’s intramural volleyball team.
Heather & Bryan
The two bonded over Rascal House pizza after advising freshmen.
Katherine & Mark
Mark and Katie met in the cadaver lab for human gross anatomy.