angelia & Shaun Green
Angelia met Shaun in 2008 as a freshman. Collecting jobs to pay for tuition, Rascal House was lucky job number three. The chemistry was undeniable from the first full conversation Angelia and Shaun had. It lasted almost three hours. They began dating in October and Shaun, being the gentleman he is, officially asked Angelia to be his girlfriend on November 12 that year.
Fast-forward to the summer of 2013, Angelia came home to find that her degree had arrived in the mail and Shaun had rushed out to get it framed before she saw it. Angelia stood in her living room face to face with the degree that she had worked so hard to obtain; however, she couldn’t stop staring at Shaun. His hands were clasped together, his smile was so wide and proud, and his eyes were searching hers for excitement. A movie-worthy collage instantly flashed in Angelia’s head. She recalled all the nights Shaun had spent helping her study, driving her to school when her car wouldn’t start, and sending her encouraging texts and notes during finals, when suddenly it hit her like a ton of bricks. Shaun’s relationship was the most priceless thing that she could have stumbled upon. Degrees could come from all kinds of places, but the powerhouse that her and Shaun were together was a one-in-a-million occurrence.
Angelia didn’t venture out of Cleveland because her love for Cleveland remains deep and true. Shaun’s music and restaurant passions stayed in Cleveland for the same reasons.
“Cleveland State, much like the city it resides in, understands the value of relationships,” Angelia said.
Five years later, on September 22, 2018, Angelia and Shaun were married at Mather Mansion. It was the most love-filled day of their lives.
“Together, we are an unstoppable force. I’m grateful for the role that Cleveland State University played in bringing us together,” she said.
Edward & Linda
Ed and Linda hung out in Stilwell Hall cafeteria, sharing PB & J sandwiches.
Randy & Mary Lou
Their romance began when Mary Lou joined Randy’s intramural volleyball team.
Heather & Bryan
The two bonded over Rascal House pizza after advising freshmen.